Interview Client



Director of General Services

The solution is easy to use. The interface is engaging and user-friendly. Our colleague enjoys using the Surfy tool; I would almost say she finds it fun.


Sisley Paris is a French luxury cosmetics company with recognised expertise in face, body, and hair care.


Sisley has been utilizing Surfy since 2019. Chantal Pereira, Director of General Services, tells us why she opted for the Surfy solution and how it's used daily.

By choosing Surfy, what issue(s) did you aim to resolve?

When Sisley first looked at Surfy, it was primarily to find an easy-to-use digital tool for managing our building's occupancy. We needed to have plans that includedreliable data and, most importantly, could be regularly updated. Indeed, we welcome many new employees (+17% in 2022) and need to know where to place them.This requires rearranging furniture, moving employees to new workstations, ensuring IT knows where to install equipment and connect it to the network, etc. Before Surfy, we had a tool that was too cumbersome for our IT system (AUTOCAD, to name it). It wasn't designed to meet our needs. Our computers weren't powerful enough, and each request led to a very slow response time. It was a real nightmare for my colleague responsible for using the tool.

How did Surfy address this issue?

With Surfy,we found an easily accessible tool with attractive and fast ergonomics. Of course, there was a period of adaptation for the operator, but thanks to the support of the Surfy team, it was done easily and with a lot of kindness and availability on their part. Today, when she needs to create a new scenario or update the plans, "she has fun." Thanks to Surfy, our plans are updated monthly for new employee arrivals as well as service moves or furniture reconfigurations. We have a real visibility of our premises' occupancy. The graphic quality of the plans, in 2D or 3D, adds a real bonus to the building's appropriation. The various ratios and data provided by Surfy also feed a real reflection in terms of the Work Environment in the broad sense. This is reflected both in technical choices, such as choosing desks of 140 cm instead of 160, for example, and in the reflection on the quality of work life, such as ensuring equity in the surface area of workstations.

What were the steps of implementing Surfy at Sisley? How long did it take?

The Surfy tool was operational two months after the contract signing in May 2019.Starting from AUTOCAD plans, more or less reliable regarding the exact measurement of interior surfaces, Surfy first had to proceed with a cleaning to keep only the essentials. Based on clean plan backgrounds, Surfy integrated the furniture data and created the workstations. Surfy then imported the employees to proceed with the workstation assignments. My colleague and I were trained on the different functionalities of Surfy. Even today, we are in contact with the team, who quickly responds to a question when we can't remember a procedure.

Could you give us some concrete examples of using Surfy?

My colleague handles the operational (moves, reconfigurations, assignments, etc.),while I use the export functions and ratio calculations more. There are plenty of usage examples, just finding an employee among more than 300 spread over 6 floors. With Surfy, assigning workstations and parking spaces is a breeze. As for our employees from other sites who need a free desk for the day, all they have to do is ask Surfy. Surfy's help has also become essential when management asks us to rethink our office layout. We can propose 3 or 4 scenarios in 1hour. This rapid response always impresses, and the decision-making aid provided is particularly appreciated. Recently, our tax department relied onSurfy's plans and data to measure and requalify surfaces (storage, office, technical area, etc.). They were thus able to revise the applicable tax rates accurately. Before, they only had a theoretical vision from the building's brochure.

Tell us about the interoperability between Surfy / Z#bre:

Z#BRE is areal-time occupancy measurement solution (among other things) for the building.Their sensors were installed primarily for our meeting rooms and hot desks. The installation was done based on the Surfy plans. These sensors allow for checking the actual occupancy of the room. Thus, if it has been reserved but is ultimately not occupied, the data provided by Z#bre allows it to be displayed as available for other users. The project is recent, a POC (Proof of Concept)has been ongoing since last year. This interoperability between the two solutions was very easy to set up since we essentially had nothing to do. TheSurfy and Z#bre teams worked closely together to implement the service. It's really appreciable to be able to call on different providers and not have to rebuild everything each time. With Surfy, we have a reliable base from which our other providers can refer to offer their services.

What are your development projects with Surfy?

We will continue to manage the layout of our surfaces, always striving to be more efficient. Reflections are already underway to:

- Improve the match between the size of meeting rooms and the number of people present

- Aim for greater energy sobriety by controlling the occupancy of spaces (not heating or ventilating unoccupied areas unnecessarily, for example)

- Keep user comfort at the heart of the approach

By 2025, new surfaces will be integrated. With Surfy, we are creating a network, a mesh of actors where everyone contributes to the building. It's motivating and gives a broad sense to the concept of Work Environment.

A concluding word?

Surfy is the best tool choice we could make. It allows us to work on a human scale, both with the solution itself, which is accessible and playful, but especially I want to highlight the quality of customer relations. The Surfy team is available and attentive. You can tell they understand the reality of our jobs(Editor's note: Anne Farhane was DET of several companies), and thanks to that, they have a real perception of customer needs. Surfy is not a standardized solution. It is implemented in the company taking into account the reality and the needs expressed. Thank you, Surfy, for your listening and responsiveness.