Our Project Methodology to Support You

Surfy, designed for the digital management of real estate spaces, offers autonomous and scalable management, allowing the integration of new areas as required. This flexibility is crucial for adapting the workspace to the changing needs of businesses, ensuring optimal management of real estate assets. The tool also provides comprehensive management, including an annual subscription, user training tailored to different roles (Administrator, Contributor, Reader), integration and modelling of plans, as well as additional IT and support services.

The Surfy solution is primarily focused on improving the management and supervision of workspaces, facilitating communication, decision-making, and performance analysis of spaces. It aims to centralise, harmonise, and redistribute data concerning square metres, workstations, and equipment. This centralisation allows the tool to be adapted to the specifics of each client, including spaces, colour codes, and terminology, and to meet real-time needs, thereby enhancing the management of real estate assets and the monitoring of workspaces.

The benefits of Surfy extend beyond economic return on investment; they also enhance the experience and competence of teams through the use of technology, improve the quality of working life, promote team cohesion, and allow more flexible and agile management of buildings and equipment. By facilitating the integration of data and plans for various support functions such as finance, procurement, human resources, and security, Surfy makes information easily accessible and modifiable, enabling optimised management and efficient space planning.