Enhance the Employee Experience

Place the employee experience at the heart of priorities: Surfy enables them to navigate effortlessly throughout the organisation, accessing easily the spaces reserved for them via the Teams app.


Teams app

Above all, the experience becomes even more accessible through its access on the Teams app.

Reserve workstations

Have a comprehensive overview of all Flex Office workstations to accommodate the on-site presence of employees.

Allocate the staff

Facilitate the assignment of employees to fixed workstations.

Navigate through the spaces

The employee experience is enhanced by knowing the spaces through which to navigate and which are associated with them.

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Book the spaces

The experience is enhanced by booking the spaces.

Share with IoT and service solutions

Enrich and complete the data of your spaces through the interoperability of IoT and service solutions connected to Surfy.

Interoperability with booking solutions

Know exactly which workstations are reserved thanks to interoperability.

Assignments with reservations in high-demand spaces

Access occupancy rates to assign workstations with reservations in high-demand spaces.