Interview Client

Francine SARFATI


Director of General Services

Surfy is the digital transcription of our buildings, allowing us to manage them more easily. Surfy facilitates the work of the Executive Director of Technology.


A multispecialist group in insurance and reinsurance brokerage and consultancy, leading in France and Europe.

Francine SARFATI

Why did you choose the Surfy solution?

In previous roles, I had already identified Surfy as an interesting solution and followed its development. It was when I started my role at Siaci in 2017 that I was able to encourage my management to choose Surfy and use it daily. At that time, there was no tool available, even though there were projects under consideration for consolidating teams on a new site. That's when the full potential of implementing the solution became clear.
Initially, we operated with assigned fixed workstations. Surfy was used for team movements, when we needed to review layouts or make minor adjustments. It was the management tool for specific needs regarding space planning and workstation assignment.

Your needs have evolved. How has the Surfy solution accompanied these changes?

Last year, Siaci merged with Diot. This brought up the need for team consolidation and thus the transfer of employees, functionalities of Surfy that we were already using.
It was also decided to switch to Flex Office, the feasibility and objectives of which were studied using occupancy data provided by Surfy. Flex was only implemented on the former Parisian Siaci sites. The others remained with traditional workstation assignments but were also integrated into Surfy over time.
The Surfy team was at the forefront of implementing the Flex tool. The new layout plans from our architects were integrated into Surfy. Then, the Surfy repository was used as the basis for implementing the SharingCloud booking solution. Nearly 2,200 employees were also integrated into the repository.

How is building management concretely carried out today?

For Flex-Office sites, Surfy is not the direct management solution; it is a gateway for the booking solution and our ticketing tool.
However, for all matters of space control, Surfy remains the essential tool. We use it daily when we need to verify information. For example, we are currently looking to set up a secure area and need 100 to 200 square meters. Surfy allows us to find the best place to set up this area in our plans.

Who are the users of Surfy, and how have they appropriated the solution?

We have administrator licenses and reader licenses. The administrator licenses are used differently because some sites are Flex-Office, and others are not.
In buildings that are not Flex-Office, site managers have an average of 200 employees to manage. Surfy is used for locating occupants but also to know where there is a free workstation or even to review some layouts according to the needs of the BUs. Site managers have easily appropriated the solution, particularly thanks to the training provided by Surfy.
The smaller provincial sites are managed remotely. Field teams, even with varying digital skills among employees, have also been upskilled. Surfy has made their daily tasks less tedious and time-consuming.
On Flex sites, management is globalized. We have integrated everything into our plans, all the elements necessary for our daily management, from the potted plant to the fire extinguisher. Next year, for example, we need to manage a cleaning tender. We know we will use Surfy to know exactly how many square meters of carpet or hard floor there are. Surfy makes it easy to handle all the daily questions of the DET.
The reader licenses are mainly for our assistants to locate a department or an employee.

What are your development projects with Surfy?

It's not a project anymore but a recent change. Surfy has enabled a second gateway with a service provider solution. We have been using MerciYanis services for ticketing and incident reporting internally to the DET for 2 years. Since the end of December 2022, we have extended the system to all employees. Here again, Surfy serves as the basis, the support, to improve building management. The floor plans and the placement of QR codes are defined thanks to Surfy.

A concluding word?

This tool has enabled DET teams to upskill, acquiring new knowledge and different work methods. They have moved away from tedious tasks and the degraded image that could be associated with them. Surfy has added value for human development. For the DET, Surfy contributes to placing user comfort at the heart of our missions. The image of our services has evolved. The mere fact that we are increasingly called upon for various projects shows that the Workplace Environment is a pillar for the success of projects.