July 8, 2024
Occupancy rate

Calculate and optimise occupancy rates

Calculate and optimise occupancy rates
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An efficient workspace management strategy is essential for maximising productivity and minimising costs. The occupancy rate, a key performance indicator, helps measure the utilisation of available spaces. With Surfy, not only can you calculate this rate, but also optimise the layout and use of spaces in an intelligent and detailed manner.

Detailed Space Analysis

Precise visualisation of operational plans

Surfy offers a comprehensive solution to analyse and optimise space occupancy with detailed operational plans. These plans provide a clear overview, making it easy to identify underused or overloaded areas. The intuitive interface allows for precise exploration of each space, offering a crucial global vision for optimal management.

Operational plans allow visualisation of the dimensions, layout, and functionalities of each space. The software delivers increasingly detailed data: access is possible at the building level, a floor, a defined area (e.g., common areas, flex spaces), a room, furniture, or a collaborator.

Identifying occupancy trends

Thanks to the analysis of space utilisation data, Surfy helps identify occupancy trends. This is the case when offices are underused on certain days of the week or meeting rooms are constantly booked but rarely used. This information allows for the adjustment of operational plans to better meet the actual needs of employees, made possible by presence sensors.

Analysing occupancy trends allows for forecasting future space needs and can be enriched by service software, HRIS, or IoTs.

Space rearrangement

Surfy's space management tool allows for easy rearrangement of spaces based on the data obtained. By transforming underused areas into collaborative spaces or adjusting the layout of offices to maximise efficiency, it is possible to optimise the use of each available square metre: access to the occupancy rate, the swelling rate of each space, area, or workstation.

Rearrangement options include modifying furniture layout, adding new functionalities to existing spaces, and creating areas dedicated to specific activities. For example, a relaxation area can be set up to encourage productive breaks, while a coworking space can foster collaboration between teams.

Precise Resource Management

Tracking employees

Surfy offers precise management of employees, allowing you to know who uses which space and when. This functionality is essential for optimising team distribution and avoiding occupancy conflicts. Having an overview of space occupancy by employees makes it possible to organise teams more efficiently and better plan necessary resources.

Tracking employees also helps identify training or additional equipment needs. For example, if certain spaces are underused because employees are not aware of their functionalities, appropriate training can solve this problem. Similarly, by tracking team work habits, it is possible to adapt spaces to better meet their needs.

Furniture management

Furniture management is also a key feature of Surfy. By tracking the condition and use of each piece of furniture, it is possible to optimise resources and anticipate material needs. This not only extends the lifespan of furniture but also ensures that each space is adequately equipped to meet employees' needs.

Optimising common spaces

Common spaces, such as meeting rooms, relaxation areas, and coworking spaces, play an important role in the company's dynamics. Surfy allows tracking the use of these spaces and identifying optimisation opportunities. For example, a rarely used meeting room can be transformed into a dynamic coworking space, thereby improving productivity and collaboration between teams.

Well-managed common spaces promote a positive corporate culture and encourage interactions between employees. By adapting these spaces to real needs, it is possible to create a more pleasant and efficient working environment. Surfy allows testing different configurations and measuring their impact on space utilisation easily with scenarios that can be copied and pasted in a few clicks.

Calculating and Optimising Occupancy Rate

Data collection and analysis

To calculate the occupancy rate with Surfy, you must first import the operational plans and space utilisation data into the software. The team draws the plans provided by the company (AutoCad, PDF format) in Surfy. Surfy allows for exhaustive examination of these data with on-demand analysis layers (space types, floor nature, cleaning frequency, organisational attachment, distribution key, etc.). Data collection may include information on room reservations, office use, and employee movement habits. These data are then analysed to provide a clear and detailed overview. Surfy's interactive dashboards allow for intuitive visualisation of this information.

Precise calculation of occupancy rate

The occupancy rate is calculated by dividing the number of occupied spaces by the total number of available spaces. Surfy simplifies this calculation by directly providing the occupancy rate based on the number of employees using the space and the number of available workstations in the concerned area.

Surfy's reporting tools also make it easy to share this information with stakeholders.

Optimisation strategies

By reorganising offices to better meet employee needs or adapting meeting spaces based on observed occupancy rates, it is possible to increase overall efficiency. Moreover, Surfy allows for simulating different layout scenarios to find the optimal configuration.

Optimisation strategies may include reassigning spaces, adjusting work schedules to better distribute occupancy, and introducing new technologies to improve space management. By testing different approaches, it is possible to find innovative and effective solutions to maximise space utilisation.


Surfy is more than just a space management tool. It provides the necessary data to make informed decisions and optimise space utilisation. By having operational data, it is finally possible to transform space management and improve the organisation's productivity. Maximise the efficiency of your workspaces and enhance employee satisfaction with intelligent and optimised management. Surfy is the key to high-performance and innovative space management.

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