October 11, 2024

Create relaxation spaces: a lever for enhancing well-being at work.

Create relaxation spaces: a lever for enhancing well-being at work.
Publié par
Rachel Nguyen Van Trinh

In a constantly evolving professional environment, employee well-being has become a key success factor for businesses. It is widely recognised that happy employees are more productive and engaged. In fact, 85% of employees believe that their well-being is a priority when choosing an employer (source: Malakoff Humanis Survey, 2023).

Among the most effective initiatives to enhance well-being, the creation of relaxation spaces stands out. These areas not only help reduce stress but also boost motivation and strengthen team cohesion. Investing in relaxation spaces within the workplace is therefore much more than a simple adjustment; it is a genuine strategy to maximise the potential of employees.

I. Create relaxation spaces: a response to well-being challenges

1. Encourage relaxation to reduce stress

Work-related stress affects 60% of employees in France (source: Health and Quality of Life at Work Barometer, 2021). It accounts for 30% of work stoppages, impacting both employee health and company productivity.

Creating relaxation spaces provides a simple yet effective solution: allowing employees to recharge, take a breath, and clear their minds. By promoting relaxation, these areas of disconnection reduce mental fatigue and enhance focus. A study conducted by Malakoff Humanis found that 55% of employees experience improved concentration after taking a break in a relaxation space.

2. Strengthen team cohesion

Relaxation spaces are not just individual resting areas; they also promote interaction among colleagues. In an informal and relaxed setting, spontaneous discussions and idea sharing become more natural. This strengthens team cohesion, encouraging better collaboration and a more united team spirit.

When employees feel connected to one another, it not only enhances the workplace atmosphere but also improves the team's ability to innovate and solve problems collaboratively. These informal interactions play a fundamental role in creating a stimulating and harmonious work environment.

3. Enhance quality of life at work.

According to the Malakoff Humanis study in 2023, 78% of employees consider quality of life at work (QWL) a determining factor in their decision to stay with a company.

Providing spaces where employees can recharge helps reduce stress and prevent burnout. A pleasant work environment enhances employee satisfaction and fosters long-term engagement. Moreover, it has been shown that companies investing in the well-being of their employees experience lower absenteeism rates and find it easier to retain talent. Therefore, relaxation spaces are part of a comprehensive approach aimed at improving quality of life at work and enhancing the company's attractiveness.

II. The performance lever: well-designed relaxation spaces

1. Stimulate creativity

Breaks are essential for relieving pressure and allowing the mind to wander. This moment of relaxation fosters employee creativity, enabling them to return to their tasks with fresh ideas and new perspectives.

A well-designed relaxation space thus becomes a place of inspiration where employees can think freely about complex issues. Regular breaks can enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities.

By temporarily disconnecting from their work, employees are better equipped to innovate and propose original solutions to the company’s challenges.

2. Enhance employee motivation

Motivation at work largely depends on the working conditions and the environment provided by the company. According to a study conducted by Harvard Business Review, 71% of employees report that their motivation increases when they work in an environment that values their well-being.

Well-designed relaxation spaces are seen as recognition of employee well-being. They send a clear message: the company cares about the growth and development of its employees. In return, employees are more motivated and engaged. They feel valued, which translates into improved performance on a daily basis.

Indeed, when an employee feels that their well-being is taken into account, they are naturally more inclined to make extra efforts and invest themselves in the company's goals.

3. Increase talent retention

Attracting and retaining talent is a significant challenge for today’s companies. Providing a work environment conducive to well-being is an undeniable asset for standing out in the job market. Well-designed relaxation spaces help create a pleasant working atmosphere that promotes employee growth and development.

Companies that adopt this approach often experience a decrease in turnover, as employees feel more engaged and less inclined to seek other job opportunities. Furthermore, a work environment that values well-being naturally attracts new talent, thereby enhancing the company's competitiveness.

III. Relaxation spaces: a pillar for a healthy work environment

1. Prevent burnout

Burnout has become a major concern for companies. In 2022, 30% of employees in France experienced burnout, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

By creating relaxation spaces, employers can play a preventive role by providing their employees with moments of rest and recovery. These regular breaks help alleviate mental strain and reduce the risk of burnout. A healthy and balanced work environment fosters employees' resilience to stress, helping them better manage periods of high activity.

Therefore, offering relaxation spaces becomes an essential preventive measure to protect employees' mental health and ensure their long-term well-being.

2. Provide a framework suitable for new ways of working

With the rise of remote work, relaxation spaces in the office take on a new dimension. They become key meeting points for teams that do not see each other every day, fostering exchanges and social interactions during in-office days.

These spaces also help maintain a balance between remote and on-site work, ensuring continuity in employee well-being. A flexible work environment that accommodates new ways of working becomes a true asset for maintaining team cohesion and ensuring optimal productivity.

3. Enhance the company's image

Investing in relaxation spaces benefits not only employees but also contributes to enhancing the company's image. As a result, 65% of companies that invest in these spaces report an improvement in their attractiveness to talent and clients.

A company that cares about the well-being of its employees is perceived as more responsible and attractive, both to clients and to talent. Commitment to well-being enhances the company's reputation and credibility in the market. By promoting well-being at work, the company projects a positive image, which can strengthen its ability to attract partners, investors, or clients who value this approach.


Creating relaxation spaces within companies is not merely a trend, but a necessity for enhancing employee well-being and optimising their performance. These spaces help reduce stress, increase motivation, and prevent burnout while strengthening team cohesion. By investing in these amenities, companies not only ensure the retention of their talent but also improve their image and attractiveness. Well-being at work thus becomes a strategic lever for building a healthy and productive environment, benefiting both employees and the company itself.

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