September 10, 2024
Facility Management

Creating a cleaning specification with Surfy: The guide that shines with efficiency!

Creating a cleaning specification with Surfy: The guide that shines with efficiency!
Publié par
Rachel Nguyen Van Trinh

Mapping out the areas to clean

Before grabbing the brooms and vacuum cleaners, you need to know where to start. Step one: create a mental (and digital, thanks to Surfy) map of all the spaces to be cleaned. This includes everything, from meeting rooms to toilets, and those corners where nobody steps... except for the dust.With Surfy, mapping becomes almost a pleasure.

Picture an interface where every area of the workplace is modelled, like a puzzle that you're in control of. You choose, click, and voilà, every square metre is accounted for! Whether it's a creativity-packed open space (and crumb-filled) or a dedicated workspace in a coworking area, everything is under control. It’ll have you saying: "Everything is spotless here!" Productivity can only increase in a perfectly clean and optimised environment.

Setting the frequency of interventions

Now that you've got your cleanliness treasure map, it's time to decide how often it should sparkle. Daily, weekly, monthly... or when the carpet starts whispering "save me". Each area, whether it's workstations, collaborative spaces, or shared environments, has its specific needs, so you'll need to adjust the schedule accordingly.

With Surfy, it's a breeze: simply link the cleaning frequency to each area and admire the seamlessness of the schedule. And if something unexpected comes up – like an overly festive end-of-year party in a coworking space, for example – a quick adjustment and everything's back on track. No need to rack your brain; everything is organised with remarkable ease, enhancing the quality of life for workplace occupants.

Collaborating effectively with cleaning teams

Now that your cleaning specification is ready, it's time to communicate with the cleaning team. Yes, real humans will be holding the mop, and they need to be in the loop! Gone are the misunderstandings like "Oh, I thought it was your turn to clean the break room!".

With Surfy, coordination becomes as simple as a well-rehearsed dance. Every team member knows exactly how many square metres they need to take care of, how often, and how long it will take them. The result? A team that cleans in sync, with the precision of a ballet! Say goodbye to confusion and embrace elegance in efficiency. Collaborative work is made easier with a tool designed to manage every step in real-time, strengthening your solutions management.

Enriching and updating your cleaning specification

A cleaning specification isn’t a document set in stone. Needs evolve, areas change use, and sometimes, adjustments are simply necessary. Yes, life is all about change – but with Surfy, you're always in control!Surfy allows you to adapt your specification in real-time. Need to change the cleaning frequency in a busier area, like a new space for remote working or an additional meeting room? No problem.

Adding a new area to maintain in a workplace undergoing digital transformation? Done in a snap. You're always up to date, without ever rolling your eyes at the thought of modifying yet another Excel spreadsheet. Centralised information in the cloud ensures efficient and collaborative management.

Facilitating communication between service providers, procurement, and decision-makers (DET)

You’ve coordinated the teams, but what about all the other stakeholders? Service providers, procurement, decision-makers… all of these people need to be on the same page to avoid misunderstandings.Luckily, Surfy centralises all the information in one place.

No more lost emails or conversations where everyone talks at once. Each stakeholder can access the necessary details, whether on an ERP or another information system, and everyone moves smoothly towards a common goal: a workspace as clean as a freshly polished mirror. It's like orchestrating a symphony of communication... with a Swiffer, but in the cloud!

Conclusion: Be the cleaning maestro with Surfy

Creating a cleaning specification with Surfy is like organising a flash mob where everyone knows their moves perfectly. You're now in control of a team that works in harmony, offices that sparkle, and a mind free from the stress of forgetfulness. With Surfy, say goodbye to cumbersome Excel files and floating post-its: you have a SaaS tool designed to make your life (and floors) cleaner than ever! By adopting this solution, you're not only improving cleanliness but also enhancing ergonomics, internal e-commerce, and even client relations thanks to precise, centralised task management.

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