January 8, 2024
Human Resources

Welcoming a new employee: What your plan repository can do for you

Welcoming a new employee: What your plan repository can do for you
Welcoming a new employee: What your plan repository can do for you
Publié par
Audrey Dangu

The digital reference framework for plans and data is an essential tool for facilitating the integration of new talent into the company and enhancing their retention. It is important to simplify the onboarding process for new hires and help them navigate a new environment. Feeling figuratively lost is natural during the initial days of a new role, but literally "being lost" can largely be avoided with the right tools. Your responsibilities as the head of the Workplace Environment Department (WED) will be carried out more efficiently thanks to this digital framework.

Managing the workplace environment becomes agile for all your recurring tasks related to the hiring and onboarding of new employees. In this article, we will cover the following points:

  • Assignment to the workstation
  • Shared assignment and Flex-Office
  • Locating premises and new employee orientation
  • Services for occupants

Assigning an eEmployee to a workstation

The arrival of Laetitia, a new recruit in the accounting department, necessitates the allocation of a workstation within her new department. As the head of WED, it is crucial to ensure that a desk is available (desk, office chair, personal drawer). If not, you will be responsible for setting up a new workstation, ensuring that the space in square meters of office D246 is sufficient to accommodate the new employee. For instance, how many square meters do you typically allocate to a workstation?

If space is insufficient, you may need to reorganise the room to integrate your new colleague. It is also your responsibility to plan the logistics necessary for her successful onboarding. This includes interacting with the IT department to connect her computer to the company network and collaborating with Human Resources to determine the specific needs of this new employee.

Thanks to digital tools, these operations can be carried out efficiently from your computer or smartphone, streamlining the onboarding of new employees. Here are some key features of our digital reference framework:

  • Visualisation of Available Spaces: Enables real-time viewing of accessible desks and planning for the integration of new arrivals.
  • Assignment of a Colleague: Simplifies the onboarding process by quickly assigning a new employee to a workstation.
  • Average Workstation Area Calculation: Helps comply with space standards and ensure the comfort of new employees.
  • Room Area Measurement: Facilitates optimal workspace planning to accommodate new arrivals.
  • Inventory of Available Furniture: Ensures that suitable furniture is available for new hires.
  • Sharing Workstation Locations: Aids in integrating newcomers into the company culture by allowing them to quickly meet colleagues and familiarise themselves with their new environment.

By incorporating these digital tools into the hiring and onboarding process, you not only foster a smooth integration but also enhance the retention of new hires while strengthening your employer brand. In doing so, you contribute to creating a positive company culture where every new arrival feels welcomed and supported in their new role.

Sharing a workstation or assigning the employee to a Flex Office territory

In the era of hybrid work, it has become common for your new employees to share a workstation to optimise building occupancy. With the digital plan reference, you can easily identify which workstation is available for sharing based on everyone's attendance days. This allows a new employee to integrate more quickly while being informed about whom they are sharing the desk with.

If your company utilises Flex-Office by territory or area, the arrival of a new colleague may alter your occupancy ratios. It is therefore necessary to ensure that available spaces are sufficient during peak days, such as Monday or Friday. Your digital reference framework helps you anticipate these needs by integrating flexible solutions.

Indeed, it allows you to plan for additional seating in your premises, such as high tables or sofas, and to account for available seats in meeting rooms. This approach helps create a welcoming and dynamic work environment, essential for new employees who are discovering their new company.

To ensure a completely agile experience, the digital plan reference is interoperable with workspace reservation service applications. By granting your colleagues access to your reference framework, you empower them to choose and reserve their workstation for their days in the office. This autonomy not only fosters better integration for new employees but also enhances their retention by providing a flexible work experience tailored to their needs.

In summary, investing in an effective digital reference framework goes beyond improving the integration of new arrivals; it also contributes to creating a company culture where every employee feels valued and comfortable in their work environment.

Helping a new colleague navigate the company

Your new colleague also needs to familiarise themselves with the entire premises of the company for a successful integration. By providing a welcome booklet that includes building plans or by offering access to the digital plan reference via SaaS (Software as a Service), Laetitia, who works in accounting, can easily find her way to the company restaurant or the meeting room on the third floor. This type of onboarding enables new employees to settle into their new environment swiftly.

She will also know where to find Jean-Jacques from the marketing department, fostering a sense of belonging from her very first days.

New for 2024: Internal Orientation Arrives at Surfy. The plan reference will indicate the shortest route to your desired location from your workstation or wherever you are. Whether it's to the copier, a meeting room, or to find Raymond, everything can be located with a click, and you can get there as quickly as possible. This system facilitates the integration of newcomers by alleviating the sense of disorientation often felt in the initial weeks.

The route is directly mapped on the plan, even specifying the estimated travel time. By incorporating these elements into the onboarding process, you contribute to a harmonious integration and the retention of your colleagues. All you need to do is follow the guide, making the onboarding process both simple and effective.

Enabling other colleagues to locate their new co-worker

Thanks to the digital plan reference, the workstation allocation plan is now accessible to all teams. This allows colleagues to easily locate their new colleague's desk, thereby fostering a successful integration. No need to ask Sylvie, the person who knows everyone, if she knows where "the Newcomer" is. With this system, the precise location of her desk is accessible in the plan reference.

Moreover, this reference also indicates the shortest route to her desk, facilitating the new recruit's onboarding and avoiding moments of disorientation often experienced in a new environment. This functionality helps reinforce the company culture by demonstrating that the organisation cares about the experience of newcomers. By enabling each employee to welcome their new colleagues without hesitation, you encourage a sense of belonging that is essential for the long-term success of new hires' integration and optimising talent retention.

Granting access to occupant services

Surfy forms the basis of a comprehensive digital ecosystem of occupant services. The interoperability of this system with all your digital partners, whether connected devices or service solutions, provides each user with agile and simplified access to a multitude of practical services and features to enhance workplace life.

Each colleague can benefit from occupant services (Facilities) established within the company. Whether it's concierge services, deliveries, room and equipment bookings, or incident reporting, everything is at their fingertips via smartphone. This approach enhances the image of a connected company, placing the well-being of its employees at the heart of its concerns, which is crucial for attracting and retaining new talent within the organisation.


Your digital plan reference can provide numerous benefits in welcoming new colleagues. By taking on recurring and often time-consuming tasks for the Workplace Environment Department, along with occupant services, human needs are truly placed at the centre of attention. This not only simplifies employees' lives within the company but also contributes to establishing a positive company culture, essential for ensuring successful integration and lasting feelings of belonging.

This article is an expansion of a previous version published on LinkedIn in June 2023.

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