Design and optimise the spaces

Aménager et optimiser les espaces

Redefine the layout of your spaces with our customisation and optimisation solutions for increased efficiency.

Provide a detailed qualification of workspaces with customised typologies and effective communication regarding building services. Enrich space management and enable 2D/3D modelling for optimised layouts.

Qualifying the spaces

Qualify your workspaces with Surfy by categorising them by typology, organisation, or cost centre, improving management and recharging.

Qualify your workspaces with custom typologies, by organisation or cost centre.

Communicate about the spaces and the plans

Surfy simplifies communication about spaces, enabling the sharing of information on services, safety plans, and the welcome booklet with IoT devices, service providers, and service solutions.

Communicate about all the available spaces and plans, particularly regarding the building's services, its safety plans, or the welcome booklet. Surfy also allows the sharing of these data with all IoT devices, service providers, and service solutions.

Analyse the spaces

Analyse your spaces with Surfy to access data on the allocated square metres, occupancy ratio, and other criteria, enabling optimised space management by typology and organisation.

Access all data by measuring the square metres allocated to spaces by typology, custom layer, nature of spaces/floors, organisation, and cost centres, as well as by the occupancy ratio and workstation.

Master the inventory

Manage your inventory with Surfy, by geolocating furniture, measuring the carbon footprint, customising equipment, and conducting the accounting inventory, while effectively managing stock levels.

Master inventory by managing stocks and performing the accounting inventory from Surfy. Rely on an existing library or customise it according to your needs. The inventory is geolocatable, and its carbon footprint is measurable.

Model the workspaces

Model your workspaces in 2D and 3D with Surfy to accurately define and (re)position the nomenclature of your spaces and workstations, thereby improving the organisation and use of space.

Model new workspaces in both 2D and 3D with the goal of defining the entire nomenclature of your workspaces, thereby better positioning or repositioning them.

Allocate the staff

Aménager et optimiser les espaces

Improve allocation processes with detailed analytics and flexible management of workspaces.

Surfy is revolutionising workspace management with its solution for analysing and optimising fixed workstations. It provides accurate access to occupancy rates and facilitates the management of assignments and adaptation to changes.

Analyse the allocations

Analyse allocations to optimise occupancy with data on rates by workstation and per person, as well as on occupancy and surging.

The analysis of allocations is accomplished by precise access to occupancy rates, surging, the number of people per workstation, and the distribution of people according to spaces and the organisation.

Manage fixed allocations

Manage fixed allocations easily with Surfy, identifying available seats and adapting to changes such as leaves or departures.

To manage fixed workstation allocations, Surfy offers an efficient interface to assign employees, constantly find available seats, and regulate all temporary or permanent departures.

Manage all your allocations

Surfy centralises the management of employee allocations, offering a comprehensive view, whether for fixed workstations or with/without reservation.

Manage all employee allocations by typology: fixed workstation assignment, with/without reservation by space, all centralised for a 360° view.

Support the implementation of Flex

The implementation of Flex Office is facilitated by Surfy, offering support in the design of territories and booking of workstations with interoperability of solutions.

Effectively facilitate the implementation of Flex Office by designing the areas concerned, measuring the allocation rate per workstation, and intuitively booking your continually updated workstation.

Manage multiple types of workstations

Manage various types of workstations (hot desks, drop-in, flex, reservable, shared) efficiently to maximise space utilisation and encourage collaboration.

Maximise workspace efficiency by integrating a seamless management of hot desks, non-bookable for resource optimisation, drop-in desks for dynamic allocation, flex desks for adaptable use according to changing needs, and reservable desks to ease access and planning. Additionally, gain clarity on shared desks, enabling collaborative use and efficient multiple assignments. This comprehensive approach ensures optimal management of workspaces, meeting various organisational needs and fostering effective collaboration.

Evaluate and recharge operating costs

Aménager et optimiser les espaces

Recharge operating costs with unmatched precision by cost centre, thanks to our detailed solutions.

Optimise the management and recharging of operating costs with unparalleled precision. Allocate costs by cost centre and enhance financial reporting with customised allocation keys to ensure tax compliance.

Allocate the spaces

Distribute operating costs by cost centre, use of workstations, or organisation for accurate assessment and recharging.

For the assessment and recharging of operating costs, you can identify them by cost centre, the organisation, or the use of workstations.

Allocate the spaces

Allocate the budget for spaces based on their use by floor, building, or common areas, for efficient and tailored budget management.

Allocate your space budget according to usage on the scale of a floor, a building, or common areas.

Reporting on allocation keys

Improve the accuracy of financial reporting with custom and automated allocation keys and expedite exports to quickly detect inconsistencies.

Provide comprehensive and reliable reports on the organisation's allocation keys.

Optimise your taxation

Ensure tax compliance and optimise your taxation by having a clear visibility on gross and net usable areas.

Strictly adhere to current tax regulations.

Recharge spaces by the square metre

Optimise the billing of spaces by recharging them per square metre, either by cost centre or by organisation, for efficient financial management.

Recharge your spaces by the square metre, by cost centre or by organisation.

Manage safety and compliance with regulations

Aménager et optimiser les espaces

Ensure optimal security and comply with regulatory standards with our comprehensive range of integrated tools.

Access fire safety and evacuation plans, locate equipment and emergency lighting systems, and manage evacuation plans compliant with ISO 7010 standards to ensure optimal safety and protect employees.

Communicate on fire safety

Surfy provides instant access to digital safety plans, enabling the location of emergency equipment, ELS and the management of evacuations, including pathways for people with reduced mobility.

Surfy is revolutionising corporate security management with its digital plans, providing immediate access to vital information in case of an emergency. Users can accurately locate first aid equipment (fire extinguishers, defibrillators) and identify Local Security Teams (ELS), essential for an effective evacuation. Evacuation plans compliant with ISO 7010 ensure clear communication, including routes adapted for people with reduced mobility. This comprehensive approach guarantees maximum responsiveness and enhances the safety of all staff.

Connect the spaces

Aménager et optimiser les espaces

Optimise the management of your spaces in real-time with a sophisticated digital twin, incorporating up-to-date data.

Optimise the management of your spaces in real-time with a sophisticated digital twin, incorporating up-to-date data.

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Enhance the Employee Experience

Aménager et optimiser les espaces

Navigate with ease within your organisation thanks to dedicated access via the Teams app.

Place the employee experience at the heart of priorities: Surfy enables them to navigate effortlessly throughout the organisation, accessing easily the spaces reserved for them via the Teams app.

Réservation des postes de travail, des parkings et des casiers

Simplifiez la gestion des espaces de travail, parkings et casiers avec notre solution intuitive. En quelques clics, réservez vos postes et assurez-vous une organisation fluide et efficace. Optimisez votre environnement et boostez la productivité de vos équipes grâce à une plateforme innovante et flexible.

Accès aux salles de réunion et à leurs équipements

Accédez aux salles et équipements avec notre plateforme. Réservez, consultez la disponibilité, et boostez la productivité.

Accédez facilement aux salles de réunion et à leurs équipements avec notre plateforme. Consultez la disponibilité en temps réel, réservez les espaces adaptés et gérez les équipements nécessaires pour chaque réunion. Simplifiez l’organisation et boostez la productivité de vos équipes.

Orientation dans le bâtiment

Surfy facilite l'orientation dans le bâtiment avec des plans numériques et des indications claires pour un déplacement rapide.

Optimisez l’orientation dans le bâtiment avec Surfy. Notre solution vous guide facilement à travers les différents étages et sections, vous aidant à trouver rapidement vos destinations. Grâce à des plans numériques et des indications claires, simplifiez vos déplacements et gagnez du temps au quotidien.

Expérience utilisateur fluide et connectée

Offrez une expérience fluide et connectée avec Surfy : gestion simplifiée des espaces et intégration facile.

Offrez une expérience utilisateur fluide et connectée avec Surfy. Notre solution assure une intégration parfaite avec les outils que vous utilisez déjà, comme Microsoft Teams, pour une gestion simplifiée de vos espaces de travail. Accédez facilement aux ressources, réservez des postes et naviguez dans le bâtiment sans effort, tout en bénéficiant d'une interface intuitive qui améliore votre productivité.

IoTs & SmartBuilding

Aménager et optimiser les espaces

Monitor the occupancy of workstations and meeting rooms in real time.

Integrate IoT devices to optimise the management of workspaces. Monitor the occupancy of assigned desks in real time. Easily check the availability of meeting rooms for improved organisation.

Book the spaces

The experience is enhanced by booking the spaces.

Visualise your meeting rooms

Gain visibility on all your meeting rooms, their locations, capacities, and elements of the inventory.

Implement hybrid work

Facilitate the adoption of hybrid work by flexibly declaring the remote work days and office presence of employees, in accordance with the company's agreement.

For an easy implementation of hybrid work in the company, you have the option to declare the remote work days and the in-office presence of your employees.

Analyse the spaces

Analyse your spaces with Surfy to access data on the allocated square metres, occupancy ratio, and other criteria, enabling optimised space management by typology and organisation.

Access all data by measuring the square metres allocated to spaces by typology, custom layer, nature of spaces/floors, organisation, and cost centres, as well as by the occupancy ratio and workstation.

Analyse the allocations

Analyse allocations to optimise occupancy with data on rates by workstation and per person, as well as on occupancy and surging.

The analysis of allocations is accomplished by precise access to occupancy rates, surging, the number of people per workstation, and the distribution of people according to spaces and the organisation.

Comply with the tertiary decree

Aménager et optimiser les espaces

Easily achieve environmental compliance and optimise energy with our carbon tracking and connected sensors.

Comply with the tertiary decree by accessing the carbon footprint of furniture and flooring. Obtain information on temperature, lighting, and humidity through connected sensors. Analyse this data by organisation or team.

Measure the carbon footprint of the spaces

To best follow the standards of the tertiary decree, Surfy calculates the carbon footprint of the furniture and the nature of the floors.

Connect IoT devices for energy optimisation

For a high standard in implementing the tertiary decree, you can monitor the temperatures, the use of light, and the humidity in all your spaces thanks to interoperable sensors.

Integrate ESG criteria